Project Meeting in Villach

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How to design an innovative training offer on sustainable tourism? On March 2023, the WeNaTour project partners met for two dynamic days of updates, participatory workshops, and insightful field visits.

On March 21st and 22nd, the partners of the WeNaTour project gathered for two days of updates, participatory workshops, and field visits in Villach, Austria, hosted by The Carinthia University of Applied Sciences FachhoshSchule Kaernten.
Objective of the workshop: to define and organize the content of the future training modules of the study program that will shape a new professional figure, the sustainable tourism destination manager.

Starting from January 2025, the WeNaTour project will develop a multidisciplinary training program on sustainable tourism destination management, targeting both students and professionals, embracing various training modalities and approaches.

In addition to the group work, the two field visits were helpful in getting to know the nearby Nassfeld-Lesachtal-Weissensee (NLW) Region, an interesting case study for innovative practices in tourism and local development. We had the opportunity to learn concrete solutions and practices applied in the area of Weissensee and by the Schloss Lerchenhof.

Want to know more? Stay tuned for further information!

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